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Speaking engagements are currently on hold due to Daniel's fall semester. He is hoping to resume scheduling in October. If you are interested please use the email below. We will get back to you as soon as we can.



To educate people about the dangers of vaping and other substance abuse, to improve overall mental wellness through providing ways to cope with the pressures of being a teenager, and to inspire our youth to live a healthier, happier lifestyle.


A world with healthy and confident children and young adults living free and productive lifestyles.


Fight4Wellness is a Michigan nonprofit corporation with tax-exempt status under IRC 501(c)(3).


Donate through Paypal with the button or


Mail a check to: PO Box 36928 Grosse Pointe, MI, 48236

made out to Fight4Wellness



Daniel's Story

As a junior at Grosse Pointe North High School, Daniel excelled in academics and athletics. Daniel had many friends through his active life of competitive sailing, swimming and running. When he wasn’t practicing for regattas or meets, you could find him with friends or family on or somewhere near the water. He also had a passion for urban exploration and adventures with his friends. Daniel's ultimate goal was to attend the U.S. Naval Academy located in Annapolis, Maryland, and then pursue a career in the military.
All that changed September, 2019, when Daniel became very ill as a result of a severe illness due to vaping. He was 16 years old. After spending 29 days on life support, Daniel faced imminent death prior to receiving the gift of life with the first double lung transplant in the world from a vaping related illness on October 15, 2019. While Daniel is doing well, a lung transplant comes with permanent health issues along with side effects from medications.
Today, Daniel is committed to sharing his story publicly through his non-profit organization. Hoping to encourage young people to live a healthier and happier lifestyle and improve overall mental wellness. Daniel graduated high school in the spring of 2021 and is currently attending college.

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Daniel Ament


Tricia Morrow-Groustra


Jaime Rae Turnbull


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